Tuesday, November 22, 2011

 Working on Vintage gluebook. Tough times right now, and trying to keep busy.


  1. this is beautiful.


    i hate tough times.

    i am a good listener/email reader.

    if you wanna vent or skype and tell me about it, deffo do so.

  2. Beautiful book Cori....I am with Amy on this one....anytime you need to talk, you know where to find me! xo

  3. What a beautiful little book. You have so many gorgeous projects on your blog. And its good to have something to keep you busy through hard times. I've been going through a few myself lately, and try to stay positive as I know so many people have it way worse than I do, but that still doesn't seem to make it any easier! Looks like you have lots of good friends to be there for you :)

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